This class has been different from every other online class I have taken. Yes, this class was a lot of work, but I loved how we were reminded to do every task. It is great when you know that your professor cares about your success for the class. This class had many smaller assignments with due dates, but it was easier to keep track of them because of the obvious weekly schedules. I really liked that aspect of class. In addition, I liked that this online class had a weekly routine. I quickly got into this routine so I knew what was due on each day of the week.
My schedule this semester is interesting because I have half online classes and half "in class" classes. I have actually liked this schedule because it does not require me to be on campus a lot. I think this has been great given that it is my last semester at OU. My biggest complaint for online classes (this class didn't have us do it, which was awesome) is commenting within D2L. I don't understand the point in answering "yes or no" questions in D2L when the entire class says the same thing. In addition, we usually have to comment on many other posts by students and just say we "agree" with it. I never understood why we had to do this as it is kind of mindless work.
Hey Matt! So I have already commented on your introduction, so here I am! I totally agree with your general dislike of online classes. I basically tool my online classes this year out of necessity and extreme 'senioritis'. I ended up mostly liking this class because there was something to do everyday. That helped me keep track of my work and my time.